On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 06:37:16AM +0000, David Johns wrote:
> I am starting owserver, owhttpd and owftpd at boot but nowhere can I find
> whether owfs is required to start at boot either. The /mnt/1wire directory
> remains empty but if I manually start owfs with sudo owfs /etc/owfs.conf, it
> works, mostly. If the directory remains empty, I try running owfs again and
> then if by magic the directory populates.

  Files in directory are managed by owfs. owserver does not create any files.
If you run owfs manually, it probably backgrounded itself – it is still running
and managing file you see in 1wire directory.
owfs is only needed if you want to have files and directories to interact with.

> Yet it is really strange that owhttpd can see the directory structure, or
> probably created its own.
> This really does not make sense.

  owhttpd does not serve files from directory. It only shows its internal

  Now, let me explain that in more details, hopefully it will make sense.

  owserver is a "backend" service. It interacts with 1 wire bus, provides
network connectivity, caches and provides data for frontend services.

  owfs (the files), owhttd, owdir, owftpd etc. are all "frontend" services.
They all provide different ways to view 1-wire bus.  They are independent,
owfs presents 1wire information as files. owhttpd as a webpage.

  It could look like this:
                                  /--  owfs  
  (1wire physical bus) -- owserver --  owhttpd
                                  \--  owshell

> Is owfs required to run on its own or is this done by owserver?

  There's one complication: frontend service DO NOT NEED to connect to
the backend.  They all can drive 1wire bus directly.  I personally prefer
to have one owserver as a backend and have all frontends connect to it.
 You are using recent Ubuntu, so you can enable owserver.socket and have
owserver be started automatically when it's needed.  And then you can
configure owfs, owhttpd and other to connect to owserver and do not
interact with 1wire bus directly.

Tomasz Torcz               "Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station
xmpp: zdzich...@chrome.pl    wagon filled with backup tapes." -- Jim Gray

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