On 17/11/17 16:10, Andrew Brownsword wrote:
Decided to try owcapi through owserver with my application (I had opted against owserver because it seems quite flakey at startup when the system reboots), just to see how it works.  Unfortunately it appears to discover even fewer of the sensors than the OW-SERVER-ENET2’s built-in code (varies from 12-17 of the 22 sensors on the 3 1-wire buses), and the rate at which owserver delivers responses to my application is terrible — on the order of 1 per second.

That sounds like either a weird usage of owcapi, or bad 1-Wire network. Do you experience the same issues when using shell tools owdir/owread etc? If so, please run owserver with --debug --foreground and see if it says something interesting.

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