Good news everyone,

we have a pre release of the new server side encryption ready. 
Thanks to Sam, Björn and Florin for the hard work.

WARNING: This is a pre release that is packaged for testing and not for 
production use because it most likely still contains bugs. Don't use this on 
your live server.

Download here. 
This is a full pre release of ownCloud 5.0.7 and you have to enable the 
encryption app on the apps page manually after setup

It is using openssl instead of the old blowfish from ownCloud 4.x so it should 
be a lot more secure. It also supports sharing and an optional recovery key if 
someone forgets the password.

The plan is to release this as part of 5.0.7 and marked as beta. After some 
stabilization we will remove the "beta" tag. The next step afterwards is to 
work on client side encryption but this is still some work.

Help with testing and feedback is very welcome. :-)


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