You may be asking for a religious flame war with a question like this.

TFS would be the last option i'd consider for almost any project.

If you're talking about an open source project, i'd use github, bitbucket,
codeplex or google code. github uses git. bitbucket uses mercurial. codeplex
supports svn and now mercurial.  google code supports svn and mercurial.

subversion is probably the simplest and most convenient of centralised
version control systems.  distributed version control (hg and git - and
others) is just so much more convenient you'll wonder how you ever lived
without it.

If you're talking about a closed source project, i'd recommend a private
repository to github or bitbucket - they both have reasonable issue tracking
systems and wikis.

There are also independent issue tracking systems such as that are really good if you just want to stick
with the version control that you already have.  If you're really wanting
user feedback rather than bug tracking, there are other systems like

On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 1:00 AM, Matt Siebert <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a smallish project I'm working on in my spare time.  I'm the only
> developer and it's been slow going since I don't have a lot of spare time.
> So far I've just been using subversion for source control and nothing in
> particular for issue tracking and project management.  The project is really
> beginning to gain momentum and I'll likely have to commit a lot more time to
> it fairly soon so I want to get some systems in place before we go too far.
> With the inclusion of a TFS license in the upcoming changes to MSDN
> subscriptions I'm considering using TFS but don't know a lot about it beyond
> some marketing BS I read on a pretty brochure a while ago, and some vague
> horror stories I've heard about installing and configuring it.
> Does TFS really offer much benefit for a smallish project, or is it
> overkill?
> Can my client use it to report and track issues?  Would we need to purchase
> any additional licenses?
> Do I have to use it's source control or can I stick with subversion? (am I
> crazy for considering this?)
> A while ago I did look at Countersoft's Gemini for issue tracking but as
> the project didn't really have any issues to track I didn't spend much time
> on it.
> Thanks,
> Matt.

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