Hi all,

Does Anyone how to get SSRS 2008 to display a custom offline message when you 
want to perform maintenance?


Public facing SSRS site.
When maintenance is scheduled the client would like a custom message to be 
displayed stating that the site is undergoing maintenance.

What I've already tried:

ASP.Net has a magic app_offline.htm file that causes the IIS to send back the 
contents of the app_offline.htm file. When I add the app_offline.htm file to 
the SSRS reportmanager folder he report manager site is unaffected. However, 
when I add the app_offline.htm file to the reportserver folder the 
reportmanager errors stating that  "the attempt to contact the report server 
failed. Check your connection information and that the report server is a 
compatible version."

What I can try next:

I have implemented custom Forms Authentication and Authorisation extensions. 
This means that I can swap out the Logon.aspx page on the reportmanager and 
reportserver folders. This would prevent new users from logging on, but current 
users may receive errors. To stop the errors the report service would have to 
be restarted.

Anyone got any better ideas?


Michael O'Dea-Jones

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