Can i also suggest Resharper, which would have indicated the following 3 errors/highlights:
1. uniqueId with squiggle underline indicates non- confirming naming convention used. 2. uniqueId greyed text which indicates field is never used 3. Recursive icon in the margin on the left. From: [] On Behalf Of Greg Keogh Sent: Monday, 26 April 2010 2:11 PM To: 'ozDotNet' Subject: RE: Designer crash cause found I reckon I make that property case mistake about 2-3 times per year, but you normally get an immediate stack overflow and you find the error within a minute. This time I was word blind looking the code and the designer found the problem for me, then it helpfully fatally crashed, leading me astray. What luck eh! Underscores or VB? Hmmmm... I've changed the property to this so avoid the problem, and why didn't I do so in the first place? (I usually use this property syntax now) public Guid UniqueId { get; private set; } This could be the second worst time wasting trivial error I've suffered in the last decade. My worst by far back was in the late 80s when I was writing OS/360 assembler. I spent about 6 hours trying to find why my utility was not working properly. I went home in tears, came to work the next morning and immediately saw that I had an asterisk in column one of a single goto statement, thereby making it a comment. Looking at your own code for to long is dangerous, just like proofreading, you only see what you want to see. Greg