My take on the situation:

1. Your eyes don't focus well at a particular focal distance (x).
2. Your screen is at distance x, so it is hard to read because it is not
very clear due to 1.
3a. You get reading glasses so your eyes can focus at that distance
3b. You increase the font so the reduced focus is "non-breaking" - your
brain doesn't care that the edges of the letters are not in focus because
there is enough for it to interpret.

Both 3a and 3b produce the desired result - you can read the page. My
preference would be for the glasses - reduces the need for the brain to
interpret and ignore, treats the problem not the symptom.



On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 3:04 PM, Arjang Assadi <>wrote:

> Got eye exam, got reading gleasses, But when there is zoom do we need
> gleasses?
> If we can change the size of what we read do we really need to use
> reading glasses (and keep the font the same size)? It just doesn't
> make sense , guess this is a question for Dr Carl!
> I know it is not Friday
> Regards
> Arjang

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