As Manuel (Fawlty Towers) may? Have said: "I know notheeng", but have you
checked out blogs (etc) such as this -




Ian Thomas
Victoria Park, Western Australia


From: []
On Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Saturday, 12 June 2010 3:53 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: WCF behaviours


Folks, I'm revisiting a topic I raised about a year ago on how to simulate
SOAP Headers in WCF. Back then I had a problem where dozens of methods in my
WCF service all needed the same argument passed in every call, and it was
crazy to manually add the argument to dozens of methods. In the Web Service
days you used a SOAP Header member to pass the extra "baggage" with each


I was told back then that I'd need to write a custom WCF behaviour, so I
read the chapter on behaviours in my WROX WCF Programming book (which sucks)
and I think I understand the rather tedious 3-step technique for creating
behaviours. After reading the book and some web articles I'm left confused
about exactly which behaviour I need to customise to silently pass the extra
argument and to retrieve it at the server end. Thanks to the book I'm also
confused by exactly what data structures the various custom behaviours
intercept. Lucky for me, back then, the whole issue was low priority and I
skipped it, but now it's come back for urgent vengeance.


Has anyone done what I describe? Or is there an example anyone can find that
clarifies which behaviour I need to customise?





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