Cheers Greg, some useful info there. We are embarcking on a Silverlight
project ourselves soon, so this will come in handy! ;-)

On 13 June 2010 23:27, Greg Keogh <> wrote:

>  Hi Stephen, it looks like an later message of mine may have got lost. I
> accidentally found that my worry about WCF behaviours was wasted, as many
> WCF interfaces are not supported on the Silverlight client. I stumbled over
> an article that pointed I have to do the following (simplified real code).
> The code is a bit obtuse because I had to use Action callback combined
> with using to keep the OperationContext open while methods are called. I
> hope this skeleton code might be of use to others who have to pass arbitrary
> extra data from a WCF client to the service. The key bits are:
> ·         The method CallWrapper on the client puts a header into the
> client proxy. I have to use this wrapper on each call and it has to be
> wrapped in a using.
> ·         The method GetHeaderValue<> on the server pulls header values
> out of the current context. It’s interesting that it’s generic and you can
> get strongly typed values.
> Cheers,
> Greg
> *Sliverlight Client*
> public void SampleSeviceCall(int xmlToken, Action<bool, Exception,
> SampleResultWrapper> callback)
> {
>     using (var client = MakeClient())
>     {
>         client.Proxy.SampleSeviceCallCompleted += (s, e) =>
>         {
>             callback(e.Cancelled, e.Error, e.Result);
>         };
>         CallWrapper(client, () => {
> client.Proxy.SampleSeviceCallAsync(xmlToken); });
>     }
> }
> private void CallWrapper(SafeClient<AggregationClient, IAggregationService>
> client, Action callback)
> {
>     using (OperationContextScope ocs = new OperationContextScope
> (client.Proxy.InnerChannel))
>     {
>         OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageHeaders.Add(
>                    MessageHeader.CreateHeader("secretId", "MyNamespace",
> secretId));
>         callback();
>     }
> }
> *WCF Service*
> public SampleResultWrapper SampleServiceMethod(int xmlToken)
> {
>     Guid secretId = GetHeaderValue<Guid>("secretId");
>     SampleResultWrapper result = new SampleResultWrapper();
>     try
>     {
>         result.SomeXml = GetTheXml(xmlToken);
>     }
>     catch (Exception ex)
>     {
>         result.Error = ex;
>     }
>     return result;
> }
> private T GetHeaderValue<T>(string name)
> {
>     int index = 
> OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageHeaders.FindHeader(name,
> " MyNamespace ");
>     return (index >= 0 ?
>         OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageHeaders.GetHeader<T>(index)
> :
>         default(T));
> }

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