
 How do you guys handle this, specifically of large paragraphs of
text? Localisation of controls and other such items (error messages,
etc) is done trivially via the typical approach[1], and currently with
my longer text I take a similar approach, but there are places where I
have long sentences spanning a few paragraphs. Of course, I can simply
either tokenise the text in some form, or just put HTML in the
resource files themselves (<p>Paragraph 1</p><p>And so on.</p>) but it
feels slightly bad.

 Any thoughts? Clearly, I want to keep all my localisation work in the
one place.

 I suppose my current approach is the most appropriate, but I'd be
interested to know if anyone has spent any significant time working on
a better solution. I'm not completely sure what it could be ...


Every morning when I wake up, I experience an exquisite joy — the joy
of being this signature.

[1] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163566.aspx

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