On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 7:09 PM, Ian Thomas <il.tho...@iinet.net.au> wrote:

> Les
> That is Conway - many/most ALP federal members vehemently disagree with his
> stance.

The fact that they privately or even individually disagree is irrelevant
when the caucus that they are a part of supports the policy. As long as
caucus supports it then it is effectively an ALP policy.

<Political Rant>
It's just one of the examples of this government continually refusing to
listen to what the people want. I have always voted for Labour as I naively
believed that their platform (which I prefer over the Liberal view of the
world) would dictate their policy. Unfortunately it doesn't, so this will be
the first election in more than 20 years that they will not be getting my
</Political Rant>

Happy Friday everyone. :)


> ________________________________
> Ian Thomas
> Victoria Park, Western Australia

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