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From: []
On Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Wednesday, 21 July 2010 4:44 PM
To: 'ozDotNet'
Subject: Unable to diagnose a crash


Folks, we have a random crash in our new release of a "server" class. The
class is actually a wrapper around a database that exposes functionality
over Remoting. The server class can be hosted in a Forms App or in a Windows


The server is randomly crashing and leaving no diagnostic information we can
use. In the Forms App the window immediately vanishes ona crash. In the
Windows Service it just dies leaves a useless message in the event log.


We found one cause of the crash a few days ago by sheer luck, it turned out
a Reflection method had a spelling mistake and the unhandled exception
caused the immediate crash I describe. Now we have another crash and we have
no clues at all what's causing it. I'm betting the new error is just another
stupid coding error, but where?


Can anyone suggest some way of getting a stack trace or something else
useful in this situation?




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