Hi Greg,

I know Ayende has used Esent in a few projects and he uses this
implementation http://github.com/ayende/managed-esent which initially came
from here http://managedesent.codeplex.com/

You can see it in use in

A persistent hash-table http://github.com/ayende/rhino-pht
A distributed hash-table http://github.com/ayende/rhino-dht
An Async Queuing system http://github.com/ayende/rhino-queues

Michael M. Minutillo
Indiscriminate Information Sponge
Blog: http://wolfbyte-net.blogspot.com

On Sat, Aug 7, 2010 at 2:55 PM, Greg Keogh <g...@mira.net> wrote:

>  Folks, a couple of years ago I asked in here for recommendations about
> what lightweight “in-process” database I could use easily from .NET apps. I
> eventually settled upon SQL Server Compact Edition due to familiarity with
> its big brother and the footprint was quite small, just a single MSI install
> of a few MB of runtime files. There is another contender that no one
> mentioned back then...
> Only days ago I pinned down the existence of the Extensible Storage 
> Engine<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extensible_Storage_Engine>(
> MSDN <http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms684493(EXCHG.10).aspx>). I
> knew something like this was out there for Exchange Server storage, but I
> was misled by comments that it was the JET engine. The article link
> clarifies what “JET” means.
> It turns out that ESE is implemented in a single ESENT.DLL with a
> documented API, and it’s an ISAM file of all things (memories of COBOL come
> flooding back!).
> It would be fabulous to be able to use ESE from .NET projects, but sadly,
> there is no managed wrapper around ESE, and one look at the huge C API
> scared me off any hobby attempts to make one. Yesterday on CodeProject I saw
> that someone is planning to release a managed wrapper, but it’s still so
> early that nothing is available for download. I also saw that someone has
> implemented collections using ESE as the backing storage, which seems a bit
> pointless.
> Anyway, just a heads up -- Greg

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