On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 3:20 PM, silky <michaelsli...@gmail.com> wrote:


> Even outside of direct "help" from Microsoft, I think any individual
> could discuss with OWASP or a similar organisation and come up with a
> way to contact Uni's and give a lecture on some industry-experienced
> approaches to actually developing securely, and the proper way to do
> validation and write to cookies and use hashing schemes and so on.
> If the current process isn't educating people correctly then lets
> change it. We have the power. The question is how much you care.

I've gone ahead and done this by contacting RMIT and CC'ing Dinis Cruz
(who I've also included in this email, so he may comment if he so
desires), the current lead of OWASP ( http://owasp.org ) or at least
OWASP.NET (correct me if I'm wrong Dinis, you know I'm not up to date
on this).

If anyone else would prefer to present instead of me, feel free, as
anyone who has seen me talk knows that I'm probably a last-resort
option at best. Nevertheless, it's been done.

I encourage anyone else who legitimately cares about this problem, and
especially those who Microsoft has recognised as MVP's in the security
area ( is it unfair to call you out? maybe, oh well :P ) to step
forward and help educate the future programmers. It'll only be a few
hours out of one day. Not that much to sacrifice.

If you want to see a copy of what I wrote so you can send something
similar to a Uni near you, or you want a copy of the presentation I
plan on putting together (or even better, if you want to work on the
presentation with me) feel free to contact me off list. I think it
would be good to work on a nice, generic, detailed, and correct
presentation that can given to various uni's around Australia and
checked by various people.



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