Yep, a lot of work to do.

The Office hub should be secure (or relatively so). That is, not every app
should have access to all documents. Instead I think there should be a
shared "folder", and any app that wants permission to that has run a UI
permission thing.

|-----Original Message-----
|From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
|] On Behalf Of Chris Walsh
|Sent: Friday, 5 November 2010 3:29 PM
|To: ozDotNet
|Subject: RE: [OT] WP7 Handset/device
|I never said the Office Hub is secure.  If you need a document to be shared
|apps, that's the place to put it (if we had access).  If you want to secure
it, then
|they should use the same secure ISO model they use for Silverlight apps in
|browser.  There is two ISO stores, one for the app, and one for the Site.
|can adapt that paradigm onto the phone for App & Publisher.
|But yes, they've got some work to do :)
|-----Original Message-----
|From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
|] On Behalf Of Bill McCarthy
|Sent: Friday, 5 November 2010 3:16 PM
|To: 'ozDotNet'
|Subject: RE: [OT] WP7 Handset/device
|Hi Chris,
||I'm sure they "get" mobility, but as most of us know the timelines they
|were on
||to cut v1.  Sh*t just had to be "left out".
|That's a completely different argument from what you earlier said: "secure
|shared data" doesn't belong on a portable device".  On the secure data
|well that's like saying you shouldn't have any contact information or any
|documents etc.  They are ALL data that needs to be secure.
|Today, I think the argument is they are secure by not openly allowing other
|applications to access them.  Jumping to a later email form you, you then
|    " What "we" really need is access to the Office hub's documents.  "
|So really you are talking about secure shared data ;)
|I think the real issue is the lack of connectivity with the contacts list.
|The list is designed to aggregate information, yet that is not made
|Try for example to send a vcard.  The contact list should be available,
|permission. Without that you have to setup a whole other set of aggregation
|and access somewhere else, and then try to sync those two back. It should
|straight forward to insert a contact's address, name etc, etc.
|Anyway, yes the issue is they left a lot of sh*t out.  I  think the real
prove'r for
|WP& will be the rate at which they make these kinds of updates available.
||-----Original Message-----
||From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
||] On Behalf Of Chris Walsh
||Sent: Friday, 5 November 2010 2:13 PM
||To: ozDotNet
||Subject: RE: [OT] WP7 Handset/device
||Slap away, sure, there are offline scenarios BUT, we live in a
||people.  Let's start acting like it :P
||It's hard to communicate between apps when there are no multitasking
||scenarios, socket access blah blah.
||I'm sure they "get" mobility, but as most of us know the timelines they
|were on
||to cut v1.  Sh*t just had to be "left out".  Look at SQL CE, it's
|it's on the
||device, there is just no "bridge" to get access via the end user SDK.
||SDK have access to it.
||From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
||] On Behalf Of Nick Randolph
||Sent: Friday, 5 November 2010 2:02 PM
||To: ozDotNet
||Subject: RE: [OT] WP7 Handset/device
||Chris, put your hand out and let me slap it J - I want to be able to
||and I mean totally offline. Having to go through the cloud to
||communicate between applications because MS isn't smart enough to work
||out how to open
||channel between apps in a secure way is a sign that they don't get
||Don't get me wrong I'm not asking for full access as in the WinMo days
||was way to cowboyish. But, MS definitely needs to consider doing
||something similar to (And I'm NOT saying the same) as Android Intents
||Nick Randolph | Built to Roam | Microsoft MVP - Windows Phone
||| +61 412 413 425
||The information contained in this email is confidential. If you are not
||the intended recipient, you may not disclose or use the information in
|email in
||any way. Built To Roam does not guarantee the integrity of any emails
||or attached files. The views or opinions expressed are the author's own
||not reflect the views or opinions of Built To Roam.
||-----Original Message-----
||From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
||] On Behalf Of Chris Walsh
||Sent: Friday, 5 November 2010 1:55 PM
||To: ozDotNet
||Subject: RE: [OT] WP7 Handset/device
||"secure shared data" doesn't belong on a portable device, that can be
||stolen or hacked.
||If you want something that is available to use between company apps,
||need to have a central repo in the cloud somewhere.  Sure you need to
||it locally, but it shouldn't be available for each app, if each app
|requires the
||same document, then you're doing it wrong. :)
||Sure, the phone needs SQL CE, but even then,  it isn't the solution.
||People are just used to the Old WinMo days when you've got FULL access.
||-----Original Message-----
||From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
||] On Behalf Of Bill McCarthy
||Sent: Friday, 5 November 2010 1:47 PM
||To: 'ozDotNet'
||Subject: RE: [OT] WP7 Handset/device
||Yep I saw  that. I had thought the same too. It was that I was
||referring to
|when I
||said "hack a bitmap".
||It's not really a good solution or a secure one. And like I said, that
|people even
||consider this is a real sign the phone is too limiting but not having
|shared data.
||What I am hoping we will see is the implementation of SQL CE 4 on the
||phone as a shared resource, including a shared data storage that
||with permissions. Eg. An app can use a password to share files with
||from the same company. Stores could be by company and/or application,
||and access to would require initial user prompt etc.  It is probably
||asking a
|lot, but
||really the phone needs secure shared data.
|||-----Original Message-----
|||From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
|||] On Behalf Of .net noobie
|||Sent: Friday, 5 November 2010 1:39 PM
|||To: ozDotNet
|||Subject: Re: [OT] WP7 Handset/device
|||Nick Randolph, made a post on his blog i think where he used an image
|||data, which I you could access from different apps, not really a good
|||solution I guess, but maybe OK for some situations
|||On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 12:27 PM, Bill McCarthy <
||<> >
|||> Uhm, not really. Isolated storage is good, but doesn't share data
|||> across apps.  There's various scenarios such as crm's or customer
|||> service based apps where it is desirable to have small apps that
|||> share the same core
|||> (rather than try to cram every feature into the one app them
|||> disabling features depending on the user etc).  And then there's the
|||> entire lack of shared documents issue (other than photos and videos).
|||> There's
|||> no way (that I know of) to do what should be standard "office" kinds
|||> of tasks like automate the creation of a word document/invoice/quote
|||> etc,
|||> automatically attach it to an email.  The more and more I try to use
|||> the phone for business the more I think it is designed for stand
|||> alone games
|||> or only for web based applications where you do that processing off
|||> the phone.
|||> And yes I know you can hack a bitmap to store your data. That that
|||> is
|||> thought of, little alone even considered, is sad.
|||> |-----Original Message-----
|||> |From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
|||> |] On Behalf Of David Kean
|||> |Sent: Friday, 5 November 2010 1:16 PM
|||> |To: ozDotNet
|||> |Subject: RE: [OT] WP7 Handset/device
|||> |
|||> |With regards to the last one - does IsolatedStorage work for you?
|||> |
|||> |-----Original Message-----
|||> |From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
|||> |] On Behalf Of Bill McCarthy
|||> |Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2010 6:18 PM
|||> |To: 'ozDotNet'
|||> |Subject: RE: [OT] WP7 Handset/device
|||> |
|||> |Yeh there's a few frustrations with the end user SDK.  My list
|||> |includes,
|||> (but not
|||> |limited to) is:
|||> |- no way to get list of contacts from the phone itself
|||> |- no support for vcard or ical etc (although this surfaces more in
|||> |the
|||> |interface not being able to accept or attach vcard to text
|||> |messages)
|||> |- no shared data or files
|||> |
|||> |I'm hoping for improvements there. The first one is a real killer
|||> |if
|||> |you
|||> want to
|||> |write any app that deals with people.
|||> |
|||> |
|||> ||-----Original Message-----
|||> ||From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
|||> ||] On Behalf Of Chris Walsh
|||> ||Sent: Friday, 5 November 2010 12:01 PM
|||> ||To: ozDotNet
|||> ||Subject: RE: [OT] WP7 Handset/device
|||> ||
|||> ||Yeah, they've been saying "it's coming" for years.
|||> ||
|||> ||Bill,
|||> ||
|||> ||For ringtones, the support is in the Silverlight App Model, but
|||> ||there is no
|||> |way to
|||> ||access the Ringtones folder in the end user SDK, it's included in
|||> ||the
|||> |Native SDK.
|||> ||We've got access to the Capability in the WMAppManifest
|||> ||"ID_CAP_RINGTONE_ADD" but as I said, you can't access the folder.
|||> ||
|||> ||-----Original Message-----
|||> ||From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
|||> ||] On Behalf Of Stephen Price
|||> ||Sent: Friday, 5 November 2010 11:55 AM
|||> ||To: ozDotNet
|||> ||Subject: Re: [OT] WP7 Handset/device
|||> ||
|||> ||I did see a twitter post (in response to me asking about Zune
|||> ||pass)
|||> ||that it
|||> |was
|||> ||coming, but no timeframe on when.
|||> ||
|||> ||On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 8:38 AM, Simon Reed
|||> ||<
|||> ||<> >
|||> ||wrote:
|||> ||> Speaking of Zune is there a timeline for Zune pass or music
|||> ||> coming to
|||> |Aus?
|||> ||>
|||> ||> On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 8:35 AM, Bill McCarthy
|||> ||> < <> >
|||> |wrote:
|||> ||>>
|||> ||>> Use Zune on the PC for marketplace ;)
|||> ||>>
|||> ||>> |-----Original Message-----
|||> ||>> |From: [mailto:ozdotnet-
|||> ||>> |] On Behalf Of Simon Reed
|||> ||>> |Sent: Friday, 5 November 2010 12:48 AM
|||> ||>> |To: ozDotNet
|||> ||>> |Subject: Re: [OT] WP7 Handset/device
|||> ||>> |
|||> ||>> |Does anyone know if marketplace/downloads are metered content
|||> ||>> |through Telstra I know Telstra One is unmetered and thought
|||> ||>> |maybe marketplace
|||> ||>> could
|||> ||>> |be the same as you can add the cost of apps to the mobile bill?
|||> ||>> |(probably
|||> ||>> just
|||> ||>> |wishful thinking)
|||> ||>> |
|||> ||>> |
|||> ||>> |On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 9:43 PM, Stephen Price
|||> ||>> |< <> >
|||> ||>> |wrote:
|||> ||>> |
|||> ||>> |
|||> ||>> |       I seem to be averaging about 3Mb per day. I've used
|||> ||>> | 45Mb
|||> ||>> |of my 512Mb
|||> ||>> |       data. I use it for general browsing and dont limit
|||> ||>> |anything like
|||> ||>> |       pictures or anything. I do have it hooked up to wifi at
|||> ||>> |home and
|||> ||>> at
|||> ||>> |       work so that would help reduce actual 3G bandwidth used.
|||> ||>> |
|||> ||>> |       500Mb should be plenty. Its mostly twitter and facebook
|||> ||>> | which is
|||> ||>> text
|||> ||>> |mostly.
|||> ||>> |
|||> ||>> |
|||> ||>> |       On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 9:33 PM, .net noobie
|||> ||>> |< <> >
|||> ||>> |       > Stephen, do you have it all setup for getting the
|||> ||>> |services and
|||> ||>> photos
|||> ||>> |etc?
|||> ||>> |       > do you have any issues with blowing your data limits
|||> ||>> |or you
|||> ||>> don't
|||> ||>> know
|||> ||>> |yet?
|||> ||>> |       >
|||> ||>> |       > On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 11:28 PM, Stephen Price
|||> ||>> |< <> >
|||> ||>> |       > wrote:
|||> ||>> |       >>
|||> ||>> |       >> I was on Optus with my iphone. I got the shits with
|||> ||>> |them in the
|||> ||>> end,
|||> ||>> |       >> the number of times I'd be in the city and it would
|||> ||>> | be giving
|||> ||>> me
|||> ||>> a
|||> ||>> |       >> GPRS connection (no 3G) drove me crazy.
|||> ||>> |       >>
|||> ||>> |       >> Telstra have finally become competitive with their
|||> ||>> | pricing. My
|||> ||>> HTC
|||> ||>> |       >> Mozart is costing me $49 a month with nothing to pay
|||> ||>> | for the
|||> ||>> phone.
|||> ||>> |       >> Optus was/is $79 a month. I gave my iphone to my
|||> ||>> |daughter (no credit
|||> ||>> |       >> topups for her for a while she's got a $350 limit).
|||> ||>> |It was way
|||> ||>> to
|||> ||>> much
|||> ||>> |       >> to break the Optus contract and pay out the phone.
|||> ||>> |       >>
|||> ||>> |       >> Love the Mozart, its a nice phone. My only complaint
|||> ||>> | is there
|||> ||>> doesnt
|||> ||>> |       >> seem to be a way to make the screen lock after a
|||> ||>> | period of
|||> ||>> time.
|||> ||>> it
|||> ||>> |       >> locks or it doesnt. iphone could lock after 10 mins.
|||> ||>> |       >>
|||> ||>> |       >> On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 8:26 PM, .net noobie
|||> ||>> |< <> >
|||> ||>> |       >> wrote:
|||> ||>> |       >> > How bad is the Optus network really
|||> ||>> |       >> >
|||> ||>> |       >> > I really only intend on being in a city, never
|||> ||>> |really going
|||> ||>> to
|||> ||>> be in the
|||> ||>> |       >> > country
|||> ||>> |       >> > the optus plans just seem to give alot more then
|||> ||>> | telstra on
|||> ||>> the
|||> ||>> data
|||> ||>> |       >> > side
|||> ||>> |       >> > Bonus Unlimited mobile access to Facebook,
|||> ||>> | Twitter,
|||> ||>> |LinkedIn, MySpace,
|||> ||>> |       >> > eBay
|||> ||>> |       >> > and Foursquare4
|||> ||>> |       >> > this could reduce the data your paying for with
|||> ||>> | the
|||> ||>> |built in
|||> ||>> features
|||> ||>> |       >> > alot....
|||> ||>> |       >> > or is all the data going to actually coming from
|||> ||>> | windows live
|||> ||>> and
|||> ||>> |       >> > therefore
|||> ||>> |       >> > this will not help you reduce the data your
|||> ||>> |       >> >
|||> ||>> |       >> > I would mostly just be using twitter and maybe
|||> ||>> |Facebook sometimes if
|||> ||>> |       >> > someone
|||> ||>> |       >> > sent me a message or something
|||> ||>> |       >> >
|||> ||>> |       >> > Minimum Monthly Spend $79
|||> ||>> |       >> > Total Monthly Value Up to $9001
|||> ||>> |       >> > Included Data 3GB2 or Unlimited BIS + 1GB 2 on
|||> ||>> |BlackBerry handsets
|||> ||>> |       >> > Voicemail deposits & retrievals Unlimited3
|||> ||>> |       >> > Bonus Unlimited mobile access to Facebook,
|||> ||>> | Twitter,
|||> ||>> |LinkedIn, MySpace,
|||> ||>> |       >> > eBay
|||> ||>> |       >> > and Foursquare4
|||> ||>> |       >> > Standard National SMS(excl Pivotel) unlimited
|||> ||>> |       >> > Standard National MMS(excl Pivotel) unlimited
|||> ||>> |       >> > Call rate $0.90 per minute
|||> ||>> |       >> > National Video call rate $1 per minute plus 35c
|||> ||>> |       >> > International Video call rate $1.50 per minute
|||> ||>> | plus
|||> ||>> | 35c
|||> ||>> flagfall
|||> ||>> |       >> > 13/1300 call rate $0.90 per minute + $0.35
|||> ||>> | Flagfall
|||> ||>> |       >> > Connection Fee 35c per call
|||> ||>> |       >> > Excess Data Usage 10c per MB
|||> ||>> |       >> > Connection Fee 35c per call
|||> ||>> |       >> > Excess Data Usage 10c per MB
|||> ||>> |       >> > Inclusions Standard Aust local, national, GSM
|||> ||>> | mobile, video
|||> ||>> calls,
|||> ||>> |       >> > voicemail
|||> ||>> |       >> > and 13/1300 calls & standard SMS, MMS to Aust GSM
|||> ||>> | mobile, and
|||> ||>> |       >> > international
|||> ||>> |       >> > SMS
|||> ||>> |       >> >
|||> ||>> |       >> > 1 Pay the first Business Complete Ultimate plan
|||> ||>> | worth of
|||> ||>> included
|||> ||>> |value
|||> ||>> |       >> > each
|||> ||>> |       >> > billing period after which these services are free
|||> ||>> |up to a
|||> ||>> maximum
|||> ||>> |of
|||> ||>> |       >> > your
|||> ||>> |       >> > selected plans "Included Cap Value" per billing
|||> ||>> |       >> > 2 Mobile Internet Data Value: can be used to
|||> ||>> | access
|||> ||>> |services
|||> ||>> on
|||> ||>> |Optus
|||> ||>> |       >> > Zoo,
|||> ||>> |       >> > browsing the Internet from your mobile, as well as
|||> ||>> |using your mobile as
|||> ||>> |       >> > a
|||> ||>> |       >> > modem. If you elect to take the Business Advantage
|||> ||>> |BMB
|||> ||>> service
|||> ||>> |the plans
|||> ||>> |       >> > included mobile data value can be shared. Excess
|||> ||>> |usage
|||> ||>> charges
|||> ||>> of
|||> ||>> |$0.10
|||> ||>> |       >> > per
|||> ||>> |       >> > MB or part thereof apply (Includes uploads and
|||> ||>> Data
|||> ||>> |usage
|||> ||>> |       >> > will
|||> ||>> |       >> > be counted in kilobytes, where 1024KB = 1MB and
|||> ||>> |includes both uploads
|||> ||>> |       >> > and
|||> ||>> |       >> > downloads. Any unused data allowance cannot be
|||> ||>> |rolled
|||> over.
|||> ||>> |Unlimited
|||> ||>> |       >> > BlackBerry POP3 & Browsing: only applies for POP3
|||> ||>> |email
|||> ||>> traffic
|||> ||>> |and
|||> ||>> |       >> > internet
|||> ||>> |       >> > browsing through the BlackBerry Browser and
|||> ||>> |specifically
|||> ||>> excludes
|||> ||>> |use of
|||> ||>> |       >> > the
|||> ||>> |       >> > Optus Zoo Browser and International Roaming.
|||> ||>> |Customers must have a
|||> ||>> |       >> > BlackBerry or BlackBerry Connect handset to access
|||> ||>> |this
|||> ||>> service.
|||> ||>> |       >> > Unlimited
|||> ||>> |       >> > BlackBerry POP3 email and browsing is subject to
|||> ||>> | the Optus
|||> ||>> Mobile
|||> ||>> |Fair
|||> ||>> |       >> > GoTM
|||> ||>> |       >> > policy. The BlackBerry and RIM families of related
|||> ||>> |marks,
|||> ||>> images
|||> ||>> |and
|||> ||>> |       >> > symbols
|||> ||>> |       >> > are the exclusive properties of and trademarks or
|||> ||>> |registered trademarks
|||> ||>> |       >> > of
|||> ||>> |       >> > Research In Motion Limited used by permission.
|||> ||>> |       >> > 3 Unlimited Voicemail: Applies to Voicemail
|||> ||>> |Deposits and Retrievals,
|||> ||>> |       >> > diversion charges apply.
|||> ||>> |       >> > 4 Unlimited Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace,
|||> ||>> |eBay &
|||> ||>> |Foursquare:
|||> ||>> |       >> > Only
|||> ||>> |       >> > available within Australian and requires
|||> ||>> | compatible
|||> |handset.
|||> ||>> Use of
|||> ||>> |       >> > these
|||> ||>> |       >> > services is separate and does not count towards
|||> ||>> |your included "Mobile
|||> ||>> |       >> > Internet Data". Cannot be used with your Optus
|||> ||>> |Mobile
|||> ||>> Broadband
|||> ||>> |(OMB) or
|||> ||>> |       >> > Business Mobile Broadband (BMB) device/s and
|||> ||>> |excludes use of Facebook
|||> ||>> |       >> > SMS or
|||> ||>> |       >> > other social media alert services. These features
|||> ||>> |are only
|||> ||>> available
|||> ||>> |to
|||> ||>> |       >> > you
|||> ||>> |       >> > if your handset is compatible with the service.
|||> ||>> |Optus Mobile
|||> ||>> Fair
|||> ||>> |GoTM
|||> ||>> |       >> > Policy applies.
|||> ||>> |       >> >
|||> ||>> |       >> >
|||> ||>> |       >> > On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 10:11 PM, Nick Randolph
|||> ||>> |< <> >
|||> ||>> |       >> > wrote:
|||> ||>> |       >> >> Chris, beg to differ on the warranty front -
|||> ||>> |       >> >>
|||> ||>> |       >> >>
|||> ||>> |       >> >> Nick Randolph | Built to Roam | Microsoft MVP -
|||> ||>> |Windows
|||> ||>> Phone
|||> ||>> |       >> >> Development
|||> ||>> |       >> >> | +61 412 413 425
|||> ||>> |       >> >> The information contained in this email is
|||> ||>> | confidential. If
|||> ||>> you are
|||> ||>> |not
|||> ||>> |       >> >> the intended recipient, you may not disclose or
|||> ||>> |use the information in
|||> ||>> |       >> >> this
|||> ||>> |       >> >> email in any way. Built To Roam does not
|||> ||>> | guarantee
|||> ||>> |the
|||> ||>> integrity
|||> ||>> |of any
|||> ||>> |       >> >> emails or attached files. The views or opinions
|||> ||>> |expressed
|||> ||>> are
|||> ||>> the
|||> ||>> |       >> >> author's
|||> ||>> |       >> >> own and may not reflect the views or opinions of
|||> ||>> | Built To
|||> ||>> Roam.
|||> ||>> |       >> >>
|||> ||>> |       >> >> -----Original Message-----
|||> ||>> |       >> >> From:
|||> ||>> |       >> >> []
|||> ||>> |       >> >> On Behalf Of Chris Walsh
|||> ||>> |       >> >> Sent: Thursday, 4 November 2010 10:16 PM
|||> ||>> |       >> >> To: ozDotNet
|||> ||>> |       >> >> Subject: RE: [OT] WP7 Handset/device
|||> ||>> |       >> >>
|||> ||>> |       >> >> I am, but really depends on if you want an
|||> ||>> | Australian
|||> ||>> warranty
|||> ||>> |etc...
|||> ||>> |       >> >>  If
|||> ||>> |       >> >> you purchase it from MobiCity the phones don't
|||> ||>> |have an AU warranty.
|||> ||>> |       >> >>
|||> ||>> |       >> >> I'd suggest getting it outright via Telstra.  Or
|||> ||>> |if you want
|||> ||>> a
|||> ||>> plan,
|||> ||>> |       >> >> get
|||> ||>> |       >> >> it on via Telstra, free on a $49 plan, and the
|||> ||>> | phones are
|||> ||>> unlocked
|||> ||>> |by
|||> ||>> |       >> >> default.
|||> ||>> |       >> >>
|||> ||>> |       >> >> -----Original Message-----
|||> ||>> |       >> >> From:
|||> ||>> |       >> >> []
|||> ||>> |       >> >> On Behalf Of .net noobie
|||> ||>> |       >> >> Sent: Thursday, 4 November 2010 10:11 PM
|||> ||>> |       >> >> To: ozDotNet
|||> ||>> |       >> >> Subject: Re: [OT] WP7 Handset/device
|||> ||>> |       >> >>
|||> ||>> |       >> >> Chris, so you are suggesting the HTC Mozart, is
|||> ||>> |best model
|||> ||>> to
|||> ||>> get?
|||> ||>> |       >> >>
|||> ||>> |       >> >> On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 9:08 PM, .net noobie
|||> ||>> |< <> >
|||> ||>> |       >> >> wrote:
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>
|||> ||>> |categories/smartphones/windows/window
|||> ||>> |       >> >>> s-phone.html?order=price&dir=asc
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>
|||> ||>> |       >> >>> On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 9:07 PM, Chris Walsh
|||> ||>> |< <> > wrote:
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> Really depends on what network you're wanting
|||> ||>> | to
|||> ||>> |use it
|||> ||>> on.
|||> ||>> If
|||> ||>> |its
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> Telstra, there are only TWO in the US that use
|||> ||>> |the 850Mhz
|||> ||>> 3G
|||> ||>> |band,
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> the
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> Samsung Focus  & the HTC Surround.
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>>
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> If it is on Optus, Three or Voda, they use the
|||> ||>> |2100Mhz & 900Mhz 3G
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> bands, so you're pretty much set on 7 out of
|||> ||>> | the
|||> ||>> |9 launch devices
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> support
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> those bands.
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>>
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> The REAL device apart from the HTC Mozart is
|||> ||>> | the
|||> ||>> |Dell
|||> ||>> Venue
|||> ||>> |Pro, but
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> it
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> isn't on the 850Mhz band, but has Gorilla
|||> ||>> | Glass,
|||> ||>> |AMOLED screen,
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> expansive
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> memory & portrait slider.
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>>
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> -----Original Message-----
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> From:
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> [] On
|||> ||>> | Behalf
|||> ||>> |Of .net noobie
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> Sent: Thursday, 4 November 2010 9:56 PM
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> To:
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> Subject: [OT] WP7 Handset/device
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>>
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> Does anyone know where you can buy a WP7
|||> ||>> |Handset/device outright
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> without
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> a plan?
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>>
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> Telstra are selling them I think but there
|||> ||>> | price
|||> ||>> |is pretty
|||> ||>> high
|||> ||>> |and
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> only have 2 phones
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>>
|||> ||>>
|||> ||>> |buy-prices
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> -for-windows-phone-7-handsets/
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>>
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> What do people think about buying a handset
|||> ||>> | from
|||> ||>> |overseas
|||> ||>> to
|||> ||>> |try and
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> get
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> a better price?
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> e.g. AT&T are selling phones for 199.99 USD,
|||> ||>> | but
|||> ||>> |I don't
|||> ||>> know
|||> ||>> |the
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> details as in it this is on some kind of plan
|||> ||>> | or
|||> ||>> |just the
|||> ||>> handset
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> outright?
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> or if the handset will be locked to AT&T etc...
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>>
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> I like the look of the "Samsung Omnia 7" from
|||> ||>> | Optus
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>>
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> the The "HTC Mozart", has a better camera 8
|||> ||>> | Mega
|||> ||>> | Pixel
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>>
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> what models do people think is best and why?
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>>
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> in the US there is a "Samsung Focus" which
|||> ||>> | people seem to
|||> ||>> like
|||> ||>> |a lot,
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> is
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> the "Samsung Omnia 7" basically the
|||> ||>> |same/Australian
|||> ||>> version?
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>>
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> Is there going to be any advantage to getting a
|||> ||>> | phone on a
|||> ||>> plan,
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> rather
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> then getting a handset and putting in my own
|||> ||>> | Sim
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> e.g. will the phone company have any extra
|||> ||>> | features I will
|||> ||>> not
|||> ||>> |get if
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> I
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> just put in my own Sim card?
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>>
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> these are/seem to be the options for Australian
|||> ||>> |handsets
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>>
|||> ||>> |au/buy/7/phones.aspx#mode=al
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> l as I said above I like the "Samsung Omnia 7"
|||> ||>> |so any
|||> ||>> comments
|||> ||>> |on why
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> I should or should not choose a different model
|||> ||>> |would be
|||> ||>> great
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>>
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>> thanks noobie
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>>
|||> ||>> |       >> >>>
|||> ||>> |       >> >>
|||> ||>> |       >> >
|||> ||>> |       >> >
|||> ||>> |       >
|||> ||>> |       >
|||> ||>> |
|||> ||>> |
|||> ||>>
|||> ||>>
|||> ||>
|||> ||>

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