out of curiosity, what programs are you running that use up 8 GB ram ? VMs? Or future proofing? (to a degree)

On 30/11/2010 8:13 AM, James Chapman-Smith wrote:

Hi folks,

I’ve been using a Dell XPS M1710 laptop now for the nearly the last 4 years. It’s been a good little beast and it still performs better than many of the newer machines that I get lumbered with on some client sites.

It is now time for me to upgrade. Being a development machine I want good graphics, lots of screen real estate (1920x1200 preferred) and memory (12GB+).

I’ve initially looked at the latest Dell offering – the XPS 17 <http://www1.ap.dell.com/au/en/home/notebooks/xps-17/pd.aspx?refid=xps-17&s=dhs&cs=audhs1&%7Eck=mn> – it looks good, it can be configured with 16GB of RAM, but it only has 1680x900 resolution. The XPS 15 <http://www1.ap.dell.com/au/en/home/notebooks/xps-15/pd.aspx?refid=xps-15&s=dhs&cs=audhs1&%7Eck=mn> offers 1920x1080 but has an 8GB RAM limit. The other Dell offerings are getting old so I’d like to avoid them.

So it might be time to jump ship from Dell.

I’m looking for advice from my fellow devs on which laptop brands and/or models are highly regarded. I’m happy to pay for quality.

*What laptop can anyone recommend for my next dev machine?*



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