I would very much appreciate a copy of your demo if you can locate it.
Thanks for the offer.

I was going to write up a limited dummy dll for proof of concept.
If that did not work, try COM.

I have a text "Delphi COM Programming" by Eric Harmon buts its pretty ancient (but then so is the Delphi code I am looking at)

I have not had much exposure to COM. My only endeavour has been to write one using C# for use by Access VBA. That was a very simple hash function for passwords. It worked ok but I don't think they have ever used it.

On 15/12/2010 5:03 PM, Matt Siebert wrote:
Hi Peter,

I found myself in a similar situation a while ago (wanting to pass strings between a Delphi DLL and .NET).

There was something slightly tricky about strings but it wasn't too bad. I think I did something with allocating memory which may be similar to your need to store the xml in memory on the Delphi side.

Unfortunately I can't remember the details right now and I've since changed jobs. I remember making a demo app in my spare time as a proof of concept before implementing it at work. I'll have a look for the demo app tonight and let you know.


On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 4:00 PM, Peter Maddin <petermad...@aapt.net.au <mailto:petermad...@aapt.net.au>> wrote:

    I have some cipher units written for Delphi 7.
    These are fairly complex (at least for me). They contain methods
    (sorry functions and procedures) for the elliptic curve asymmetric
    cipher, The Rijndael symmetric cipher and the SHA-1 hash.

    The system that uses these is using file downloads  and uploads
    using Delphi 7 Isapi dlls.
    The system while working, is suffering congestion problems
    especially with uploads.

    What I would like to use is WCF web services to handle data
    downloads and create local server files from parameters sent to
    the WCF web service on the server rather than perform uploads (the
    file contents is very small).

    Writing the WCF should not be too much of a challenge but I need
    to use the delphi code to handle decryption/encryption.

    I thought of writing a Win32 dll for the encryption logic called
    from C# WinForms (or maybe WPF) application.

    Has anyone done this sort of thing before? I understand that value
    types are ok to exchange but reference types are a pain, this
    includes strings.

    I have googled and there is a fair bit out there. Most of this is
    dealing with the pain of trying do it.

    I only need to exchange ints, bools and strings. Nothing too fancy.
    Has anyone some sample code they would be willing to share?

    Also I would like be able call a method in the dll to store
    information in memory to be used by other method calls. This
    information is stored in an xml file and I would rather it be read
    and processed once rather than repeat this each time I need to use
    a method. In other words in using  delphi dll, will it preserve
    state between method calls?

    If I can't get the dll to work I will fall back on the
    crypographic support in the framework but this basically triples
    the effort required and data encrypted by the current system will
    not be compatible with the framework cryptographic routines.

    Any help very much appreciated.

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