Thanks for the suggestion.

I think a dll would be less effort but this could be another option.

Use to have an Experts Exchange account. I needed this to solve a particular problem, once I had the solution I did not have much further use for it and it lapsed.

I think it has a free trial period. I will consider this if the other directions I have become dead ends.

On 16/12/2010 9:59 AM, Ian Thomas wrote:


You have the VCL controls for the Delphi app, I suppose (you said you had the source)?

There is a question (with an acceptable solution) on Experts Exchange here <> -- but unless a member, you won't be able to judge its usefulness.

  *Embedding VCL (Win32) control on external C# application form*

      *Asked by roknjohn
      <> in Delphi
      Programming, .NET, C# Programming Language*

      *Tags: Delphi, C#

I have two applications, one written in C# (Windows Forms) and the other in Delphi (Win32). Is it possible to render a TPanel (or other component) within the running Delphi application onto some container control within the C# application? I've tried using the SetParent API function, but this results in a OutOfMemory runtime exception in the C# app. However, I am able to embed the entire Delphi app's main form on the C# app, using SetParent, but I would like to only embed a portion, TPanel/TFrame.

I recall that someone on this list uses Experts Exchange.


Ian Thomas
Victoria Park, Western Australia


*From:* [] *On Behalf Of *Peter Maddin
*Sent:* Thursday, December 16, 2010 9:33 AM
*To:* ozDotNet
*Subject:* Re: C# to Delphi

I tried using TurnSharp but this is really expecting a standard Delphi project (dpr) file. The code I needed to convert is a control (dpk) file. This is not a selectable option.

I converted the demo project that uses this control and it claimed 93.8%.
I checked the generated code and the critical code for the EllipticCurve was not present (In truth I did not expect it to be as this is a control integrated into the IDE)

I would have to spend some time taking the control code and making it a standard unit within a delphi project.
I would then have to do the same with all the other controls needed.

While this is do-able I have not coded in Delphi for quite a few years and then the outcome may or may not provide a viable product.
I think this might take  up to a week to do with an uncertain outcome.

At this stage I think the dll /COM is a more viable option.

On 15/12/2010 2:10 PM, Ian Thomas wrote:


Had you considered a Delphi to C# code converter?

There's one (TurnSharp <>) that supports .NET 4.0 Framework and money-back if not 90%+ (not a great metric, really), with a trial version.


Ian Thomas
Victoria Park, Western Australia


*From:* <> [] *On Behalf Of *Peter Maddin
*Sent:* Wednesday, December 15, 2010 2:00 PM
*To:* ozDotNet
*Subject:* C# to Delphi

I have some cipher units written for Delphi 7.

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