To your original question i used to ask this in interviews for candidates:

Q. Is your resume full of sh**@t or is it accurate?" <-- Ice
breaker...  (now that i have your full attention).

Q. Tonight when you go home, what is it you are going to do?" <-
Relevance: Why do you work?

Q. Most devs have that idea of a product that would be in the one day
when i get time, i'm gonna write...... what was that project/product
and what's stopped you from writing it" <- Relevance: Can you finish
what you start.

Q. Says here you know .NET? cool, i'll take your word for it and
should you be lying in 3 months we'll have a different discussion :)
but tell me this, if i asked you to learn PHP/JAVA/RUBY etc tomorrow,
how fast do you think you could get up to speed?" <- Relevance: Are
you a programmer or a tab-dot-ship developer? and can you estimate?

Q, Are you a leader or follower" <- Relevance: pretty straight forward

Q. If you were hired tomorrow, what would you do in the first day?
then tell me what you hope to achieve within the first week?" <-
Relevance: What do you expect from me in order to get you up and
running and gimme some clues as to what your expectations are.

Q: We are paying $xyz per year / hour. Thats all we can afford right
now..but how much do you think your really worth, i mean...really..and
explain to me why?" <- Relevance: Can you tell truth to power and i'm
curious to see how you evaluate yourself as a professional - lastly,
i'd like to know how much i don't have to pay you aswell :D hehehe.

Q. Last question, are you happy with your chosen profession still? <-
Relevance: Goes towards interest levels but its a good finish up
question as it leaves the candidate thinking about their
skills/profession etc and should they have failed this interview (in
their minds) it will at least make them rethink their approach for the
next interview :D

I personally think that if you put "wrote a book on xyz technology" in
your resume and you come to a job with that, in 3 months you have a
chance to call b.s.. testing people on the first interview really
isn't going to yield much in the way of most good job
hunters know how to game that and it really doesn't get to the heart
of it all "does this person have a brain and will they fit within our
team culture..."

Scott Barnes

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 10:43 AM, Noon Silk <> wrote:
> Hello,
>  Anyone have any thoughts/lists on a update-to-date set of questions
> to ask people (senior .net). I'm preparing a list now (trying to find
> my old one from a few years ago), just wondering if anyone has any
> new/interesting questions that they are asking.
> --
> Noon Silk
>  (Noon Silk) | >
> "Every morning when I wake up, I experience an exquisite joy — the joy
> of being this signature."

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