Not as exciting as it sounds.  Definately not going to be be a open slather policy about bringing your favourite device to work and plugging it into the network.  From what I've heard, all access to the company network will be through the Citrix portal. 

Still it might be the justification I need to buy a new high powered laptop and push a little harder to be able to telecommute.  :-)


On 29/03/2011 7:11 PM, Paul Stovell wrote:

I think this is pretty exciting:


The BYO (bring your own) device program at one of Australia's largest insurers means staff will be able to break free from the shackles of their company-issued PCs and plug in their personal laptops, tablets and smartphones into the enterprise network.


"We can supply you with desktops here, but if people want to bring in their Macs or other devices, then that's their choice. People should use the device they feel the most productive in.


"It is part of Suncorp's fundamental strategy to attract, develop and retain top talent and to give them a great place to work, and try to inspire them to do great things." Mr Smith said Suncorp's goal was not to have infrastructure be a constraint to people's innovation and ingenuity.


From The Australian:



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