That can work quite well but be careful if you're using the .nodes() method
in T-SQL to provide the table to join to. It doesn't have cardinality
estimates (actually it "guesses" 10,000 rows) and can end up with some
seriously badly performing query plans. Often we have to use it to extract
the data into a temporary table and then join to it. (Wish it wasn't so).






From: []
On Behalf Of Jamie Surman
Sent: Wednesday, 29 June 2011 4:13 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: SQL CLR table as function parameter


Personally I tend to do this kind of stuff by passing the parameter as xml.
In your SQL you can then join to the xml as though it were a table.



From: Greg Keogh <>
To: ozDotNet <>
Sent: Wed, 29 June, 2011 5:17:40
Subject: RE: SQL CLR table as function parameter

Oh oh! has some bad


Table-valued parameters are user-defined table types that are passed into a
procedure or function and provide an efficient way to pass multiple rows of
data to the server. Table-valued parameters provide similar functionality to
parameter arrays, but offer greater flexibility and closer integration with
Transact-SQL. They also provide the potential for better performance.
Table-valued parameters also help reduce the number of round trips to the
server. Instead of sending multiple requests to the server, such as with a
list of scalar parameters, data can be sent to the server as a table-valued
parameter. A user-defined table type cannot be passed as a table-valued
parameter to, or be returned from, a managed stored procedure or function
executing in the SQL Server process.


So I have to find some other convenient way of getting variable numbers of
parameters into a managed function.


Is there a T-SQL equivalent of String.Join(...) that easily joins many
strings together with a separator, I could possibly accept that a proxy
variable length parameter.



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