>If you fancy a flight to Perth and back you can borrow it for the weekend,
but I need it back by the 27th. :)


After an hour of searching and searching and searching (I think search
engines are broken!) I finally found a place about 4 suburbs away from home
that will do a weekend deal for the projector and screen for $150 from
Friday to Monday. The worst thing in web searching these days are those
"fake search engine" sites that intercept your request, reformat it
unreadably and recommend stupid results which are probably just paid
advertising. I think there was some furore a few months ago when Google said
they'd block these irritating sites in their search results. I hope they do.


It's not Friday, but here is a quiz question I'm going to ask people on
Saturday night. Using only mental calculations and guestimates ...


If our sun was the size of grain of coarse beach sand (about 0.7mm across),
at that scale how far would it be to our close neighbour star Alpha Centauri
where the Space Family Robinson blasted off for back in 1997?



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