On 18/07/2011 8:59 AM, Scott Barnes wrote:
urgent Jnr Developer wanted = Can't afford Snr Developer Pay. Spidey senses tell me this is a classic case of "McDonalds Cook vs Jnr Developer" equation. My money would be McDonalds ;) work less hours for the same pay :D

Scott Barnes

On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 9:14 PM, David Connors <da...@codify.com <mailto:da...@codify.com>> wrote:

    On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 6:46 PM, Michael Ridland <rid...@gmail.com
    <mailto:rid...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        What a great opportunity. I would love an opportunity to work
        in someone's backyard and have my main job priority being able
        to meet deadlines. I'm sure those deadlines were set by
        someone very experienced at software estimation and are very

        Can we ban this spammer please?

    As per Les' comments - job ads/request for offers are fine so long
    as you're not some mindless recruiter dumping CVs into the list.
    We're here to help each other and that includes finding jobs and
    filling jobs (even if the pay and conditions are not what you want).

    There is no point in starting a ban war anyway because anyone can
    join ozdotnet and I don't moderate or vet new members.


    PS: fwiw, I agree that smallbizaustra...@gmail.com
    <mailto:smallbizaustra...@gmail.com> DOES sound like some sort of
    MLM/work from home blah spam address ... but the market will sort
    that out.

-- *David Connors*| da...@codify.com <mailto:da...@codify.com>|
    www.codify.com <http://www.codify.com>
    Software Engineer
    Codify Pty Ltd
    Phone: +61 (7) 3210 6268 <tel:%2B61%20%287%29%203210%206268> |
    Facsimile: +61 (7) 3210 6269 <tel:%2B61%20%287%29%203210%206269> |
    Mobile: +61 417 189 363 <tel:%2B61%20417%20189%20363>
    V-Card: https://www.codify.com/cards/davidconnors
    Address Info: https://www.codify.com/contact

i think i got more comments from the dotnet list then actual applicants....didn't know it was such a sensitive issue! lol....its all good..i now have someone if any was interested. Yes..we do pay peanuts...but we only want monkeys!


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