On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 4:40 PM, David Kean <david.k...@microsoft.com>wrote:

> Beside, I'm not sure why the entire .NET world should be considered
> legacy/off-topic once Win8 releases. We are just about to release Windows
> Phone 7.5, Silverlight 5 and just announced .NET Framework 4.5.

The writing is on the wall. Win32 is beyond dated and chunks of .NET are
based on it. People who say "93" are being kind and probably have not looked
at how closely it matches Win16. I mean Ex, ExEx, Ex2 calls - I don't even
know if there were any software architects involved in the creation of
Win32. The knock on effect for .NET has been that the very-non-asynchronous
nature of Win32 has caused stuff like WPF to have behaviours where the UI
thread can block the render thread to stop story boards from running, etc.
Window handles and message pumps? Please - this is 2011.

I, for one, welcome our new WinRT overlords and look forward to an expedited
demise of the rest of the API/UI kit confusion on the Windows platform.
Something had to give in light of the relative sanity of Cocoa/OSX +
CocoaTouch/OSX and the corresponding market success.

I just wish they didn't add this HTML/JS stuff to Win8 - it makes little


PS: Has anyone had a peak under the kimono to see if it really IS not based
on Win32? [?]

*David Connors* | da...@codify.com | www.codify.com
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