Be careful with SSD's. I bought one and have replaced it three times in < 2years.. The guy who deals with the repairs said he would not use them for business (talking about multi-cell SSD's here, not single cell's that cost alot more) - he said the average lifespan is 1.5yrs, brand agnostic. Before you fire up, this is coming from the guy who sees all the returns so unless you have suitable experience in that area (and i'm hoping most guys on here don't) then you'd have to believe him.

yes...if you image your disk or whatever you do it makes it less painful but *its still a pain in the a*** taking it back to the shop, waiting 3 weeks to get a new one, etc*

and 64gig isnt enough room.

>Most devs that move to a SSD love them.
I loved it until it broke. I'm back on HDD's now.

On 10/10/2011 12:27 PM, Preet Sangha wrote:
I'm going to use SSD's

This particular model has space for 2 drives in ROAD 0 combo, so I'm thinking of a couple of 64gb in a stripe and then possible upgradfe to 120 or 240's next year, but leave most of the rest of storage on a USB3 external.

On 10 October 2011 16:49, Michael Ridland < <>> wrote:

    Most devs that move to a SSD love them.

    Whenever I've opted for a faster machine it's always been well
    worth the money, there's not a chance your overdoing it. Make sure
    you have multiple monitors also, at least two.

    It's in the top 4 of programmers priorities, so says Hanselman.

    It's an easy sell to the business because it makes you more
    productive meaning your solving more customer problems hence your
    company makes more money.

    Do it now! :)

    *Michael Ridland | ThinkSmart Digital*
    Managing Director
    P. 0404 865 350
    W. <>
    T. <>


    On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 2:09 PM, Preet Sangha
    < <>> wrote:

        I'm thinking of getting a gaming laptop for development
        purposes. I'll be doing lots of SQL Analysis Server Cube
        processing and want something with grunt.

        The one at the top of the list currently is the MSI GT 680 at
        approx $2k.

        The primary reason I'm thinking of using a gaming laptop is
        the sheer power of the CPU coupled with a RAID0 striped SSD
        combo and upto 16GB as future proofing.

        I've used VS2010 for two years now and frankly I've yet to see
        it perform well on any business machine  I've used. I figure
        that it's just time to bite the bullet and get a machine
        designed for more.

        Can anybody comment on whether think I'm just overspending.

-- regards,
        Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

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