 This is a bit long, and only my opinion after 20+ years of doing this stuff. 

If I'm designing the database, somecolumn will not allow nulls.

select * from SomeTable where SomeColumn <> @SomeFlag 

It also wouldn't be used without a qualifying clause, it's too much data to 
return with a single query.

select * from SomeTable where SomeColumn <> @SomeFlag and constrictiveData = 

Would be half a step there.  

Given that I know the range of values for SomeColumn (all positive for example) 

select * from SomeTable where isnull(SomeColumn,-1) <> @SomeFlag and 
constrictiveData = @queryParam 

If some flag is a small discrete number of values ( status -  open pending 
delivery delivered ) I would make the query positive. 

select * from SomeTable where SomeColumn in ( open, closed, pending, delivery, 
delivered ) 

If we are talking delivery tracking web page for example. 

The query would be.

select top 5 * from SomeTable where constrictiveData = @queryParam
Order by nonnullstatusDate desc

And then let them pick which order to see. 

Isnull + coalesce  in queries when you have to, but I try to write only 
positive queries, or queries against non null fields.

As a side note, using prodecures for simple sql statements is a counter 
productive activity. Paramertised queries from the client side allow the 
developer to correct bugs much faster than a 100% stored procedure solution. It 
is also much cleaner in the long run. 

I currently maintain a legacy project with 753 stored procedures,  there are 
about 20 named along the lines of 


Etc.  It's a nightmare, dependency checks tell me that every single last one of 
them is used somewhere, in the application all the sp's in the database are 
held as constants, the data gets bound directly to statically typed datasets. 

I've done lots of development using different languages and different design 

At the moment I like Agile - Scrum, all tdd + integration testing. Support for 
bug corrections is trivial.  The simple rule is KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)

Again only my experience and personal view on things. 


Hexed into a portable ouija board. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Wallace Turner <wallacetur...@gmail.com>
Sender: ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2012 09:32:58 
To: ozDotNet<ozdotnet@ozdotnet.com>
Reply-To: ozDotNet <ozdotnet@ozdotnet.com>
Subject: Re: [OT] t-sql, dealing with null

Davy, assuming this code and your Rule Number 1, what do you do:

|create procedure GetSomething

select * from SomeTable where SomeColumn<>  @SomeFlag|

(just to be clear this query will not return rows where SomeColumn is 
null, assuming @SomeFlag=1)

On 18/01/2012 11:24 PM, David Rhys Jones wrote:
> Rule number 1,
>  Don't do business logic in the database.
> .02c
> Davy,
> The US Congress voted Pizza sauce a vegetable. Don't even try to 
> convince me of anything in the states is sane any more!

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