Thank jeepers they've put some contrast back into the design. The gray-scale
theme was like looking at a TV back in the 1960s, in a dim room. I can
understand that modern usability research finds that too many colours and
borders can be visually confusing, but to swing completely the other way was
a brutal reaction. The RC seems to return to the middle ground where a
tasteful amount of colour and contrast is helpful and pleasing. I thought
all print and UI designers know that 2 or 3 base colours with a contrasting
splash colour as about as much as the brain can quickly consume.


The CAPS menu is utterly bizarre. I'm sure I remember from high school that
it takes on average 11% longer to read blocks of caps text (my favourite
historical example of this is the inside cover of the pretentious Yes vinyl
album Topographic Oceans
<>  where all the
dense lyrics and notes are printed with italic caps white-on-black, it's an


I'm unsure about the coloured status bar, it could be good if it's not too
distracting. I wonder what colour it will turn when Visual Studio is stalled
or crashed?


I also wonder how customisable the whole app appearance is. If it was fairly
customisable then it would stop a lot of arguing. My old adage is that if
you get into a long argument about how some UI should appear, then make it
an option.




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