Try turning off named pipes on your machine, and try again.

Hexed into a portable ouija board. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Wallace Turner <>
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2012 15:43:29 
To: ozDotNet<>
Reply-To: ozDotNet <>
Subject: sql connection taking ages when using IP Address vs Computer Name

Hi All (especially Greg Low tho),

I've been debugging an issue whereby conn.Open( ) was/is taking 5 
seconds to connect to a machine on the LAN (same VM host actually)

I've 'fixed' this by changing the connection string.  Was:
/database=FooDb;server=;trusted_connection=true;/ //takes 5 
seconds to conn.Open( )

and changed to:

/database=FooDb;server=sql-svr;trusted_connection=true;/ //takes 30ms 
seconds to conn.Open( )

This behavior is consistent on subsequent runs (it is just a simple 
console app). You don't even need to query anything which proves its 
nothing to do with a specific query.

*Why does this cause an issue? *Well if the application is idle for 5 
minutes then the next person to 'do something' has to wait 5 secs for 
the sql conn to open.
Someone care to explain?

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