Hi all..

So my boss came to me yesterday and asks me to look into and build a
prototype for an ASP.Net 3.5 web app which would need to act as a container
for an ancient ASP.Net 1.0 app..
1.0 app is well and truely past due for life cycling, but org doesn't want
to do big bang tech refresh, as have recently had fingers burnt on another!

The request...
"The prefered approach would be to come up with a solution that allows
existing functionality to remain 'as-is' and new functionality to be
developed in .Net 3.5.
Over time existing functionality can be upgraded (from 1.0 to 3.5) as the
need arises.

Can you look at building a simple prototype in 3.5 that acts as a container
to 'Project ABC' web presentation functionality? The focus would be to
identify possible options for integration between 3.5 and 1.0 at a
presentation level..  Some key challenges include
* how to host 1.0 components within a 3.5 container
* how to integrate navigation from UIP (3.5) to 1.0 model
* how to sync data between 3.5 and 1.0 (eg. Session state)
* how to best isolate 1.0 functionality to allow clean separation from a
maintenance perspective, as well as ease to be able to upgrade any piece of
1.0 functionality independently of other functionality. "

As I'm waiting for my environment to be commissioned, I've been fruitlessly
scouring the web. It seems like the web has cleansed itself of most. Net
1.0 info!!

Has anyone out there faced and defeated (or turned and run away screaming
for their mummy) this type of beast?

Can you use. Net 1.0 user controls in 3.5?


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