Also, which would you prefer - a device that you can plug a SIM into, or one
that you can't? Microsoft's tablet only has WIFI, which is a major market
killer for business applications.


So if you had to splurge on a tab, which would you go for - a tab that
supports 3G, or one that doesn't? Very disappointing.


Right now they appear to be going for the stupid rich Microsoft fanboys who
will be silly enough to purchase this device and then pay again when the
true mobile versions come out. This is the Zune all over again. They will
have an initial take up from fanboys, and then watch sales drop dramatically


Tell me I'm wrong?


From: []
On Behalf Of Michael Ridland
Sent: Wednesday, 17 October 2012 4:32 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: Just seen the prices of Window 8 RT Surface devices....


Yes, i was keen to buy one but price was an issue when it came to crunch.


I bet many feel the same.

On Wednesday, October 17, 2012, Preet Sangha wrote:

Looks like I wont' be splashing out for a while....
aching=off&WT.mc_id=FY13WinHH> &WT.mc_id=FY13WinHH



Don't know how competitive these prices are but they seem a little high but
then maybe they are fighting Apple and not Android.


US 500 without cover/keyboard

US 600 with  cover/keyboard



Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

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