I have noticed my youtube being slow compared to my internet connection....i 
think you are right.  I am on bigpond liberty as well.


I will be looking for a alternative youtube anyay,  too many ads are 
showing....again..getting too powerful for my liking...


From: ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com [mailto:ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com] On 
Behalf Of mike smith
Sent: Wednesday, 31 October 2012 11:53 AM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Re: [OT] BigPond You Tube throttling


On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 10:55 AM, Tony Wright <tonyw...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,




I’m interested in seeing how many of you experience YouTube throttling.


Is it deliberate throttling, or what I'd call accidental (caused maybe by 
inadequate backhaul)?



It irritates me that I have BigPond Cable Ultimate Liberty, experiencing 
download speeds of between 50Mbps and 100Mbps most of the time, but any time I 
visit YouTube or ABC iView, I get atrocious speeds. I never got this when I was 
on TPG.


If you use youtube, there is a youtube page where you can see a comparison to 
see how throttling is affecting you:




It doesn't look good, but I am at work.  I don't have any expectation that 
youtube should be good here.



Basically, normal internet use would see lots of peaks and troughs. When being 
throttled, the lines flatten out somewhat, and are below the average. My speeds 
are consistently below Victorian average, and I’m on Telstra’s fastest product. 


I'll look at it on my vdsl2 connection at home, I'm paying for 100/30 there.  
vdsl seems to work better than adsl, but I think it's the typical installations 
(fibre to apartment basement, cat 5 to vdsl2 modem in apartment.) that fix the 
degradation with distance adsl suffers.  Cable would be HFC?  THat depends on 
how many users you have running off the local fibre node?  I refer you to 
Graeme Samuel




HFC networks have gotten so bad that Samuel joked that he advises neighbours at 
the street Christmas party not to subscribe to Telstra's "hopeless" HFC — just 
so "at least I can continue to get reasonable speeds at 8 p.m."

"Fortunately, most people listen to me as the local expert on the subject, and 
don't go onto Telstra's cable for their broadband," he laughed. "It's a great 
relief in my street."



Bring on the NBN I say.










  <http://courteous.ly/aAOZcv> http://courteous.ly/aAOZcv

"Going to Starbucks for coffee is like going to prison for sex. Sure, you'll 
get it, but it's going to be rough" - Adam Hills


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