Folks, I'm experimenting with VS2012's unit testing features. When this
feature arrived many years ago I found it crippled and difficult to
navigate, so I continued using NUnit. Now I am compelled to use the Visual
Studio test features.

The first confusion is the 3 different windows. I have 'Test Explorer',
'Test Results' and 'Test Runs'. The first shows my test results in summary
form. The second is empty but has a prompt for 'Manage test runs...'. The
third has a weird 'Connect' option which I pointed to the folder
'TestResults' which I didn't know existed and I see another test summary.
Anway, the details aren't important, but the relationship between these
windows is incomprehensible and I don't know what each is expected to do or
how they talk to each other (if they do!).

The second confusion is about where my trace output is going (nowhere?). I
have Debug, Trace, Console and TestContext WriteLines but all of their
output goes nowhere I can find.

I must be missing some vital link, or my preconceptions have hobbled me,
but how are other people here happily using the VS test features? What's
your technique?


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