Gmail definitely does "ignore" self emails -- sometimes! I don't know
what exactly determines when it does and does not, but some mailing
lists are afflicted and some not. (Of course some mailing lists
explicitly don't return mail to the sender, or can be configured to do
so, but it is confusing when that is turned off and yet Gmail doesn't
seem to acknowledge receiving the message back.)

Also note when sending via Gmail's servers (from and) to your Gmail
account (but via an external email client i.e. via SMTP) the same
message is in my Gmail Sent Items and Inbox. It's not seen as two
separate messages.

Mark Hurd, B.Sc.(Ma.)(Hons.)

On 3 May 2013 11:35, David Connors <> wrote:
> On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 10:24 AM, David Burstin <>
> wrote:
>> I've noticed that my gmail spam folder (spam for the last 30 days) has
>> dropped from an average of around 500 emails down to about 60. Anyone else
>> had a similar experience? Any ideas why the sudden drop?
> Some sort of google fu magic. When I first moved over I was getting 30K spam
> a month, then that dropped to 5k, now I have 303 spams in my spam folder.
> I don't know what they are doing but I like what they are doing.
>> On a possibly related note, yesterday I sent myself an email from gmail to
>> another account I have. That account is set up to forward its emails back to
>> my gmail account.
> No idea, they might have de-duped - but the headers would be different if it
> was forwarded. Sounds like a bug.
> David.

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