
I'm looking for some recommendations for a system that does Server &
Application Monitoring for our servers.

I've tried NewRelic and while it's an impressive product they don't have
very good support for custom metrics and instrumentation. I'd like to be
able to publish my own metrics that should be displayed in line with the
metrics they already collect.
For example they have SQL Transactions, I'd like to add my own metric of
number of [....].

I've tried Datadog and while the metrics you can have are very configurable
and you can log a lot of custom metrics and combine them in all types of
graphs as you like (very cool) they have very basic support for .Net and
SQL server compared to NewRelic.

I've tried GraphData and their default graphs/monitoring is nice but again,
only basic support for custom metrics.

I've tried CooperEgg and was .. ok ....

I've checked http://www.foglight-on-demand.com/ (now owned by Dell). It
looks exactly like what I want but it only seems to work for Azure :(

Any other ideas? There has to be some system to help me monitor the health
of my app.


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