Folks, I have to send several thousand database entities of different types
to both a Silverlight 5 and WPF app for display in a grid. I can't "page"
the data because it's all got to be loaded to allow a snappy response to
filtering it. I'm fishing for ways of getting the data across with the
least suffering and complexity ... don't forget that Silverlight is

Does a WCF service with http binding allow streaming? That would be the
ideal technique if it comes out of the box and isn't too complex.

I ran an experiment to convert ~6000 entities into XML and the size is a
hefty 6MB (no surprise!), however Ionic.Zlib deflates it down to a 500KB
buffer which transmits acceptably fast. I'm unhappy with my code to round
trip the entities-to-XML as it's a bit messy and has special case logic to
skip association properties.

Then I thought of Json, which I haven't need to use before. Would the Jason
libraries make round-tripping easier? Are the built-in Framework classes
good enough, or would I need to use something like NewtonSoft? Can I
control which properties are processed? Any general ideas would be welcome.

Greg K

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