We are now big enough to require a ticketing system to manage customer

Internally (8 of us) we use cloud TFS (visualstudio.com) and Office 365 so
a cloud based solution suits us better then us having to manage it. In fact
our whole infrastructure is slowly migrating to azure anyway.

One of our customers has mentioned that another vendor as opened their
internal TFS to them so the solution might be as simple as that.

However I thought I'd get some outside wise heads to comment on what they
might be doing or would recommend or perhaps not recommend. Before I head
down the road of evaluating systems.

The main requirements are:

1. Avoiding duplication of data entry
2. Integration with VS2012 is a big 'would like' but not a show stopper as
we're to hapy to continue using TFS as our main entry point.
3. Prefer to pay someone else to manage it within reason

We (people and clients) are world wide so local Asia/Pacific hosting etc.
is not a necessity in the slightest.

What do you guys do?
Preet, Overlooking the Ocean, Auckland

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