Why not try figure out who you want to work for and apply direct? Alot of
companies will prefer not going through agencies. What city are you looking
On 20 Jan 2014 13:13, "Les Hughes" <l...@datarev.com.au> wrote:

> Hey all,
> After been tied up for many years, I'm about to once again brave the job
> market. Last time I was looking for work (c2008) I ended up wasting a lot
> of time with recruiters who weren't particularly helpful (to say it kindly)
> and was wondering if anyone had recruiter recommendation, or even advice on
> who to avoid. (Private email if necessary).
> I'm considering a few different career options, but for now I'm most
> interested in recruiters that deal with things similar to my most recent
> work, C#/Winforms/Office/SQL Server/Devexpress/etc.
> Thanks heaps,
> --
> Les Hughes
> l...@datarev.com.au

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