On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 1:38 PM, David Connors <da...@connors.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 10:42 AM, Scott Barnes <scott.bar...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> David: I think the words your seeking are "JavaScript Stockholm Syndrome"
>> .. I object strongly to a language who's surrounded by frameworks that are
>> hell bent on abstracting developers from the said language as much as
>> possible because the said language is so far behind the evolution curve.
>> Had JS moved to ECMA4 - ECMA6 ..sure.. i'll play along but this JS ciricle
>> jerk that's going on because everyone's given the "defeatist" attitude...
>> bleh...  And yes, I will concede I see my future with me standing on the
>> roadside way "WILL CODE JS FOR CRACK"...
> Frameworks like AngularJS aren't designed to abstract developers from the
> language.
I'm sure the creators of AngularJS had every intention on solving variety
of issues but I think it's a bi-product of the end result that the very
nature of what it represents is an abstraction ontop of abstractions.

> For all its faults and however badly it started out, JS has been hardened
> in the market to fit a lot of use cases. In terms of the *outcomes* you
> can create with it and a modern browser, it is exceeding the capabilities
> of most other ways of getting apps in the hands of users.

Not entirely true. You can get to certain level with BREADTH UX (which to
be fair is weak Ux) but to get into a DEPTH engagement there is horror
story after horry story of abandonment around why that isn't working or has
yet to work. Point and case Facebook went all in and it backfired so they
retreated back to Native.  Pumping out crappy Wordpress like Admin UI or
Twitter.com UI isn't what i would call our best foot forward in Ux..
especially when you see experiences like Flipboard or Paper highlighting
just how much we've regressed back to DataGrid/TreeControls in terms of
"great" UX.

Like I say to anyone who wants to hear my soap box rants... HTML (Good Ux),
Plugins (Great Ux) and Native/Destkop (Ultimate Ux) ... it has to do with
the spectrum of depth vs breadth engagement and just because one can sneak
in with the bare bones of Ux doesn't qualify it as the best story of the
day. There are just far to many use cases where that is not true.

> It might not be as elegant as C# and WPF, but WPF is obscenely slow,
> platform bound ... and dead.
Well Windows Vista - 7 rendering pipeline has always been slightly retarded
and to be fair it really never got much love since Windows Vista but to say
"WPF" is the root cause of that issue is not the point because in truth the
dependency on that rendering pipeline would of hamstrung any solution that
Microsoft threw up given it was some ass backwards retreat position after
they had to pull out of the Windows Longhorn reset. The Windows 8 approach
apparently has killed in terms of performance but because the team decided
to rename variety of small things in the framework(s) (namespaces, xaml
attributes etc) this in turn caused this stalemate between "Adopt me or
f***k off" .... So if you were to imagine the current new bits in Windows 8
to be brought back down the version pipeline into the Windows 7 way of
life, the naughty word that which is WPF could probably self-heal itself...
 or screw it, call it MetroPF for all I care just give me something to
build "depth" experiences with that works on Windows, Surface and Phones..
and if it means a locked in existence to Microsoft whatever, I do that
anyway with Apple so why not add one more to the mix.

In all honesty most companies could really give two shits as to who they
hitch their ride with when it comes to Ux Platforms because its such a
dogma discussion anyway - not just that they just need to direct their
workforce onto something to solve some actual needs... (especially my
work... we use Lotus Notes still..you have no idea how easily we will unzip
for the right solution).

> No user of your application gives a shit what the source code looks like,
> so long as it exceeds their expectations and provides values. Thems where
> the money is.

Yeah its Attractive Bias... "Ooh pretty, take my wallet" but you do your
best HTML UX and i'll raise you my DEPTH UX and we'll see who wins that
wallet :)

> David.

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