I had something similar not too long ago. 

I have a 128g SSD that all it's had was my Virtualboxes on it. 

After the same thing happen and after some investigation I removed the SSD
for a large Velicoraptor drive. The diffence between the SSD and
Velicoraptor  is minor in speed but I was sceptical that the SSD wasn't
going to hold up.


As much as I'd like SSD's I have seen quite few fail over the past 2yrs.   

The SSD in this machine had been running for easy over 12mths without a

I moved all my development to a set of VM's so if something goes wrong I can
be back up and running in what it takes to bring back a backup.


Good luck. 


From: ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com [mailto:ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com]
On Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Tuesday, 25 March 2014 2:00 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: [OT] Weird symptoms and SSD


Folks, I have a warning post:


Since I installed a fresh Windows 7 on an SSD as Xmas I've been suspicious
of how one time in 20 it will stop and say "Bad boot drive" and I have to
power off and on again and then it always starts okay. No other symptoms
have been observed.


Well today, I was shutting down my PC when it blue screened on the way down,
it said SERVICE_EXCEPTION. Just to be safe I rebooted it normally to check
it was okay.


First problem. IE 32-bit shortcut says it's invalid, but I can see the
iexplore.exe in the correct place. Double-clicking it does nothing. The
64-bit iexplore.exe tells me "The file or directory is corrupted and
unreadable." Then I notice most of my Start menu All Programs are gone. The
Administrative Tools menu is empty. I searched for an hour but none of the
advice is relevant or useful. Last known good config recover did nothing. I
even thought I had a virus, but found no evidence.


Finally I did a chkdsk C: /F and rebooted and I saw about 20 repairs
(including iexplore.exe) and now it seems to be back to normal. However I
suspect the SSD is about to die unpredictably and all of my mysterious
symptoms were side effects. I'm just posting this in case it might be useful
for someone in a similar situation.


Now I'm going to the shops to get a new SSD and psych myself up for a
possible Windows reinstall over the whole weekend. At Xmas it took 4 x 12
hour days to get to a satisfactory working state.


Greg K

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