I think /TC tells VS it's C only? /TP is for C++.

On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 11:44 AM, Greg Keogh <g...@mira.net> wrote:

> I found the easiest way of making a plain C project (I hope) is to create
> a new C++ Empty Project, add a .c file then after some searching I found:
> Configuration Properties > C/C++ > Advanced > Compile As
> Which sets the /TP or /TC compile option. I'm still suspicious that this
> hasn't disabled all the C++ features though.
> *Greg K*
> On 5 January 2015 at 10:47, Greg Keogh <g...@mira.net> wrote:
>> Folks, I might have to migrate some Embarcadero/Borland C (not C++) code
>> over to Visual Studio, but I haven't written any C/C++ for about 10 years
>> now (thankfully). The C code mostly manipulates flat files and performs
>> heavy stats calculations, so there are no serious platform dependencies to
>> make conversion difficult.
>> The trouble is, I've forgotten how to make a VS2013 C (not C++) project,
>> if such a thing is meaningful. I'm not even sure if the C language exists
>> any more!! Do I have to flip some compiler options, or will the '.c' file
>> suffix be recognised and prevent me from using any C++ headers or features?
>> It's a weird question, but C/C++ and projects and tools have changed so
>> much in the last decade that I'm disoriented.
>> *Greg K*

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