Not really much to add, but I do acknowledge you for taking an interest in your 
teams skill development. Its a rare trait.
Sure you have a self interest in productivity, nothing wrong with that.

Unfortunately theres a saying, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make 
it drink.  Keep encouraging and you will get there eventually. There might be 
blocks like "just a job" developers or in the deep end junior devs etc.
I have found code reviews are great for passing knowledge. Explaining what your 
code does is never a waste of time (i always spot things i can fix up or 
improve while explaining something)
Invite them to user group meetings.

End of the day you might just have a junior developer who is going to take 
years to get to where you imagine she should be. Remember thats your 
expectation not hers.

So much for not much to add. Lol
Good luck

On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 11:48 AM +0800, "Preet Sangha" 
<<>> wrote:

Guys I wonder if I can ask for some advice please.

I'm currently leading a project with a developer who originally came from a 
Delphi background but has been using visual studio (C++ and C#) for a few years 
now. However I'm finding that she doesn't seem to have much experience of many 
of the productivity features available in modern tools like visual studio, or 
the OS or office for instance.

By these I mean even simple things like autoformating, intellisense (well 
some), keystrokes to comment/uncomment, snippets, or  refactoring for instance. 
I even had to teach her to do auto build on starting execution (PF5 etc), or to 
use the keyboard to save or build. Things like resharper are a pipe dream it 
seems. I felt as though I was doing magic incantations when I started writing 
some unit tests... Nearly everything she does is sort of 'most manual way 
possible" it sometimes seems.

Now generally I'm happy to let other do it their way but I find that her 
productivity is very low and I'm thinking part of it might be this factor. I 
know we all have different styles, and I'm far from dictating other use my 
style however I do feel that a modern developer should be aware of the 
capabilities of their development environments.  If her productivity was OK I 
wouldn't care how she used whatever tool.

What I'd like to do is encourage her to do some directed training that would 
help her productivity and thus personal development. I've tried putting 
together some Pluralsight (it's paid for by our employers so it's always there) 
playlists for her, but I get the "I did some of the training, and then stopped 
to get some work done". I've been more than happy for her to actually do the 
courses lowering the workload for this reason.

I'd really like her to get the best out of her tools and not be hamstrung. Can 
anyone with experience of this kind of thing tell how how perhaps I could 
approach this in a more positive way please?


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