Didn't know about the auto deloy to store option. Will look into that!

I imagine you would want to be careful and not piss off the store provider from 
excessive app submissions/builds.

Have you blogged about that Nick? Sorry not checked, my blog reading has 
dropped to zero lately... so many things to learn, so little time

From: Nick Randolph
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 12:48 PM
Subject: RE: Anyone using HockeyApp?
To: ozDotNet

We're using HockeyApp in anger.... Well a lot less anger now but initially it 
caused no end of frustration within the team as we started to do daily builds 
on each app we're working on and having to upload them. Imagine this on a 
couple of concurrent Xamarin.Forms project where we need to upload all the apps 
at the end of the day - massive headache as the network came to a halt. We 
quickly invested more time into integration HockeyApp into our automated builds 
in VSTS (we use macincloud for our iOS builds). Now at the click of a button we 
build and deploy to hockeyapp.

Just as a side note: VSTS now has the ability to release builds to each of the 
app stores (Apple, Google and Microsoft). We now automate not only our builds 
for testing via HockeyApp, we also have automated process for deploying out UAT 
builds via the respective stores (TestFlight for Apple etc). This took a bit to 
get setup, but we now have this as a standard process that we do for every 
project we work on as it is a massive time saver.

Nick Randolph | Built to Roam Pty Ltd | Microsoft MVP - Windows Platform 
Development | +61 412 413 425 | @thenickrandolph | skype:nick_randolph
The information contained in this email is confidential. If you are not the 
intended recipient, you may not disclose or use the information in this email 
in any way. Built to Roam Pty Ltd does not guarantee the integrity of any 
emails or attached files. The views or opinions expressed are the author's own 
and may not reflect the views or opinions of Built to Roam Pty Ltd.

From: ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com [mailto:ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com] On 
Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Tuesday, 26 July 2016 9:30 AM
To: ozDotNet <ozdotnet@ozdotnet.com>
Subject: Re: Anyone using HockeyApp?

Pardon me, I have one more public question on this ... In VS2015-3 I used 
HockeyApp > Distribute > and I sign in fill in the wizard steps and it all 
looks great, but at the end when I click Finish the dialog closes and nothing 
happens. I look around, but nothing has happened. What did that wizard do?

In the HockeyApp web pages I attempted to create a new app and it prompts me to 
drag-drop the zip file into the page. I do this, but my whopping 65MB file (re 
my comments last week) looks like it will take about 2 hours to upload.

Hmmm, off to a bad start.

 -- GK

On 25 July 2016 at 18:34, Stephen Price 
<step...@lythixdesigns.com<mailto:step...@lythixdesigns.com>> wrote:

Hmm. I just started working with HockeyApp for my own project. I didn't see 
anywhere any restrictions so am not even sure what plan I am on. Seems really 

I've now successfully deployed to Android and iOS devices. the iOS was a big 
headache until I worked out I had to add the device UDID to the provisioning 
profile, THEN build it, THEN deploy that IAP for the new device.

Shame it doesn't work like the Android where you just invite the user via email 
and then bam, they can install the app.

The UDID identifier is in the docs, but I hadn't read them at all until I got 
the cryptic "Unable to Download" error it was giving me.

Ping me if you get stuck, it wasn't real obvious but everything else just 
worked. Better than TestFlight (which I only looked at as an option) mainly 
because I think that only does your iOS devices (and the app has to go through 
some review process to be available to the external users).

I'm wondering what the deployment to Windows Phone users process is (does 
HockeyApp support em? Doesn't seem to).

From: ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com<mailto:ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com> 
<ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com<mailto:ozdotnet-boun...@ozdotnet.com>> on behalf 
of Greg Keogh <gfke...@gmail.com<mailto:gfke...@gmail.com>>
Sent: Monday, 25 July 2016 2:51:53 PM
To: ozDotNet
Subject: Anyone using HockeyApp?

Folks, I just became aware of HockeyApp<https://www.hockeyapp.net/features/> 
and I can authenticate into it using my MSDN credentials. It tells me I'm on 
the default free plan where I can create 2 apps. From a quick eye over the KB 
articles it looks quite impressive and helpful, but I'll probably need a 
$30/month account. My subscriptions are starting to mount up and become a small 
financial burden (MSDN, Office 365, Apple Dev account, Cloud storage, email 
forwarding, etc) so before I commit to HockeyApp and burn more dosh I must ask 
if anyone here is using it in anger and getting good value?


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