Rings a bell and I've come across this quite some time ago.

Refer to the following, it probably relates to your situation:

*The Web site in the hyperlink uses a Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication
system that relies on HTTP session cookies for client identification. Even
if you have already provided user credentials, you are prompted to provide
the user credentials again.*



On 20 January 2018 at 18:48, Tony Wright <tonyw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi people,
> I have an issue with an asp.net mvc application. Essentially, if I log
> into the application, and I tick the "remember me" box, it stores a cookie
> with the authentication details and logs me in.
> Any time I come back to that site within the timeframe set within the
> context of that saved authentication cookie, I am logged in automatically.
> That actually works ok, no problems there.
> But when the link to a page within my site is saved inside a Word
> document, and I hold down the ctrl key and click the link, it opens up the
> browser, attempts to go to the right web page, but it doesn't use the
> cookie, so it requires me to log in again.
> Outside of Word, I can still put the link into the browser and it will
> remember the security context and log me in.
> Has anyone else experienced this? Is it possible to get it to
> automatically authenticate using the cookie, because this kind of behaviour
> makes me feel like it was by design.
> Any ideas?
> Regards,
> Tony

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