Agree with what others have said. This is *one* of the reasons that people 
build data warehouses, and as Preet mentioned, often star-schema ones. 


One point I’d make though, is that I always like to challenge any time I hear 
that databases are slow because they’re large.




I regularly work with truly large databases, and they aren’t slow. If they are, 
I’ve got work to do.






Dr Greg Low


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From: <> On Behalf 
Of Preet Sangha
Sent: Friday, 1 February 2019 11:03 PM
To: ozDotNet <>
Subject: Re: [OT] SQL Server DB designed for reporting


I spent a few years building these kind of reporting systems. Here are the key 
things I learned:


1.  Absolutely design your reporting DB with completely different concerns to 
the transaction one. A Star schema is what I'd recommend.


2. Avoid SSIS unless you are doing something very high volume and requiring 
streaming. SSIS is opaque and a PITA  to source control/diff easily.Instead use 
denormalised views that allow you to run near real time deltas to feed to 
reporting database. Using good IO and indexing can result in excellent 
performance using cross db/server queries.


3. If the performance of the reporting DB is not sufficient consider feeding 
the star schema in hypervcubes using SSAS or simillar. It's designed for 
reporting and is highly performant.  MDX isn't hard once you get the hang of 
navigating these cubes..


 I didn't spend much time outside of SSRS so can't comment on other reporting 




On Fri, 1 Feb 2019 at 18:05, David Burstin < 
<> > wrote:

>> It's only if you were building a green-fields application that you'd look 
>> into CQRS - it's not something practical for your existing line of business 
>> apps.

Hi Nathan,


My response is that "it depends". I would certainly not advocate a full 
separate database approach except in exceptional circumstances. However, CQRS 
is primarily an approach to having separate models for CUD vs R. I would argue 
that having SQL views is a form of CQRS, as it supplies a specific data model 
that is used for reads only. So, in the sense of having different views of the 
data for reading/reporting, and leveraging the experience and knowledge of CQRS 
practitioners, there is a good opportunity to find a solution for Tom's problem 
and answer any questions that come up (eg around synchronization if required).


I believe that this approach is totally applicable to current LoB applications 
- the implementation is just a question of degree, and the minimum to meet the 
requirements is best. I again suggest looking at the work of Vladimir Khorikov, 
including the Pluralsight course, as it walks through the multiple levels of 
CQRS from simple views right through to separate databases. Somewhere in that 
range is the sweet spot for responsive reporting vs implementation work/risk.







On Fri, 1 Feb 2019 at 15:45, Nathan Schultz < 
<> > wrote:

+1 to Tony's answer. Using SSIS (integration services) to export to a reporting 
database or data warehouse.

>From there you can use Power BI (for Dashboards) or something like SSRS (SQL 
>Server Reporting Services) for traditional print invoices and things.


It's only if you were building a green-fields application that you'd look into 
CQRS - it's not something practical for your existing line of business apps.



On Fri, 1 Feb 2019 at 07:55, Tony McGee < 
<> > wrote:

One way to do this is to have a regular job that uses SQL Server Integration 
Services package(s) to extract data from the source system, transform it, 
cleanse, etc then load it into a destination database (ETL)


Often, but not always, the destination database has a star schema with fact and 
dimension tables, that a data warehouse can be built upon. Tools like SQL 
Server Analysis Services or Excel/Power BI can understand and slice the data 
for the user interface 


For large volumes of data there's usually an initial load, then subsequent runs 
capture any changed data from the source system and load it incrementally



On Fri, 1 Feb 2019, 08:27 Tom P < 
<>  wrote:

Hi Folks


I have a normalised database for an application that is working well but is not 
performant for reporting. I’ve tried and tried to optimise my reporting queries 
but they are just too slow as the data volume is large in the database. What 
techniques are there to tackle this?


I was thinking of creating denormalised tables for the reports which would work 
but how to automate this so that whenever the main normalised tables are 
updated then the changes “flow into” the denormalised reporting tables and stay 
in synch?


I’m sure this is not a new problem so surely some of the people here have been 
in this situation. Any advice would be appreciated.







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