> I'm not sure about unversioned binaries - but seeing as you're doing a
> wholesale move have you looked at Azure DevOps as opposed to Guthub?

Okay, this is a hot topic for me, and could be a separate thread about
Azure DevOps "structure". I spent all of Sunday evaluating Azure DevOps,
trying to figure out how to organise the hierarchy of organisations,
projects, repos, wikis and readmes. After hours of fiddling around I'm
still not sure how to organise these things in the most logical way. Do I
have a organisation per customer I work for, or is each one a Project
containing repos? The documentation is scatterbrained and uses jumbled
jargon and acronyms. The portal UI is confusing and doesn't clearly show
the hierarchy. If you don't come from a TFS background then it's really
hard to get into the mind-set of how it's supposed to be used.

Later in the day I suddenly realised that all of my repos were going into a
url like this skeleton:


But didn't I want my code to seen at https://github.com? That's the famous
url. Then I learned I can put my repos in GitHub but reference them from
DevOps for CI/CD and such.

So today I'm still confused about which direction to take. I'm angry about
too many choices and the lack of guidance for Azure DevOps. So any general
advice would be welcome in this area.



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