Greg, i'm using ubuntu 18 in production with 2 dotnet core apps. in fact i
just switched from windows/.netframework/mvc5 to dotnet-core on linux as
the base image for ubuntu is ~2gig vs 20-25gig for windows (after you run
windows updates eleventy billion times)

one piece of software i recommend is vagrant:

choco install vagrant

then after installed:

vagrant init ubuntu/bionic64
vagrant up

3 lines to get an ubuntu VM up and running (yes i know you can 'install'
ubuntu on windows10 now via the store but that is a different matter)

On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 2:06 PM Greg Keogh <> wrote:

> A good place to start is probably the list on this page -
>> I've used the Ubuntu distributions a bit.
> Thanks, that's a good list that I missed. Still too much choice. I had
> Ubuntu LTS running in VMWare for ages, but I didn't touch it for two years,
> so I recently deleted it because I expected to install a fresh one (which
> is why I'm asking about this) --* GK*

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