If you have a Raspberry Pi hanging around, I use mine to monitor my
internet connection using smokeping based on this article:
I decided on the PI as it means I don't need to have a PC turned on all the
time. (As an aside, the Pi also downloads my solar PV data ever 5 minutes
and uploads it to PV output).

You end up with graphs showing latency, and dropouts:

[image: image.png]

On Fri, 7 Feb 2020 at 07:54, Greg Keogh <gfke...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Folks, my 2 year old NBN connection takes 5 minute breaks multiple times a
> day, every day. The Internet connection randomly dies, the lights on the
> Arris black box go out and slowly come back, then it's going again. Several
> months ago I called Telstra who ran "tests" and declared it would be fixed.
> I wrote a tiny command line program that uses the NetworkChange
> NetworkAvailabilityChanged event to log changes, but it doesn't work, no
> events are ever raised even though I can see the modem lights flashing. The 
> class
> documentation
> <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.networkinformation.networkchange.networkavailabilitychanged?view=netframework-4.8>
> hints it does what I want, but there must be other adapters like the VMWare
> ones that are ruining my expectations.
> Is there some other way of easily monitoring up/down of the NBN
> connection? Event log? Some utility program? Something I can write?
> Something in the modem or switch? Anything?
> *Greg K*

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