Possibly both.  Use the hash for your original table, and setup a secondary
table with hash as the key, and a zipped file as data.  But you'd need to
have some provision for the inevitable collisions.

On Tue, 14 Mar 2023, 09:47 Greg Keogh via ozdotnet, <ozdotnet@ozdotnet.com>

> Hi Tom, I think this is a maths problem more than a SQL one. Good fun!
> At first I thought "just MD5 hash the original string to 16 bytes and
> store the 32 hex chars".
> Then you said you'd like to convert back, which sank my idea. The only
> option left is compression, but I'll bet it would be a miracle if all of
> your original strings could be roundtripped via 32 compressed characters.
> *Greg K*
> --
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