Dear Trish,

I am a spiritual person but not a Christian.  I find your questions to be
very sensitive; one's spirituality is deeply private and deals with the most
vulnerable parts of self.

I'd be happy to talk to you about it Tassie in September.

kathleen fahy

-----Original Message-----
From: Trish David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 05, 1999 5:18
Subject: spirituality

Dear Listners, this is an interesting subject in a post-modern,
post-positivist world.  (apologies to those who think academics have too
much of a say, here.  I'm on a little exploring mission)

I've jsut been given a review copy of Jean Watson's (celebrated nursing
theorist) new book titled "Postmodern Nursing and Beyond"  1999 Churchill
Livingstone.  I've only had aflip through looking for material for third
year subject, Nursing as a Profession.  A particular quote caught my eye:
'Since the 19th Century, over 250 published empirical studies have appeared
in the epidemiological and medical literature in whihc one or more
indicators of spirituality or religiousness, variously defined, have been
satistically associated in some way with aprticular health outcomes....'
(Levin, 1993 in Watson, 1999: 119).  This holds regardless of how
spirituality is defined or measured (bizarre thought!).  This put me in
mind of a question a colleague once asked me, how do you as an atheist
define spirituality.  I responded that my spiritual sense was well aroused
by the connectedness I feel with women, particularly while in the birhting
year, and within certain situations where connections are so strong due to
empathy and resonance, such as during times of trial and triumph.  I don't
know if it was satisfacoty to my colleague, who is a Christian.  But I
wonder what other midwives and wise women out there think.  Is it different
for us becuase we have such a connection with the life-continuum?  Or am I

What does spirituality mean when we have deconstructed and critiqued
god/goddesses out of existence?

All replies read with interest.

Cheers, Trish, oh and some other great stuff in Watson, too, but a bit 'new
age' for me just yet!
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