Just browsing through my wife's mails and saw this thread. As with Jayne, our midwife performed the Guthrie's heal prick on our two home birthed boys, the last one a week ago, whilst they were on the breast, with barely a whimper (from the boys). I believe that this our midwife's chosen practice in this regard.
----- Original Message -----
From: Jayne
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 7:15 AM
Subject: Re: Guthries at the breast

Hi Tracy,
Unfortunately I don't have any info apart from my own experiences with 2 of my homebirthed babies.
They both barely paused at the breast whilst it was done.
Good luck!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 11:53 PM
Subject: Guthries at the breast

Hi all,
Just wondering if anybody out there is aware of any information on performing guthries on the babies whilst they are at the breast.  I read about it on this list about six or so months ago and have been doing them this way ever since.  However, when trying to introduce the idea to the ward, several of my colleagues are concerned the baby may aspirate if sucking whilst stabbed. This has certainly never happened to me and if anything I find the baby bearly knows it is happening, is more relaxed and the blood flows more freely.  I also believe the mothers are more content with this method (as am I!!!!!!). 
What are your thoughts on this and have you any information out there that I can utilise.

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